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Musicians, Apply To Udaan Now To Get Monetary Benefits And Mentorship

When Nikesh Hotchandani, Founder of NukeSound, and I, Akshay Kapoor, Editor at The Indian Music Diaries, started discussing possible partnerships between us a few months back, one of the ideas that we instantly clicked about was supporting independent musicians by offering resources for free. A few weeks later the idea of Udaan, an independent artist level up fund was born.

Udaan is a monetary benefit and mentorship program established by NukeSound and The Indian Music Diaries. The program is supported by Ok Listen, one of India’s only indigenous music distribution platforms, as the Distribution and Funding Partner. The program was established to bolster the journey of independent musicians by giving away critical resources to them free, strictly based on talent and potential. Every month, for the next 6 months, the Udaan team will select 1 artist, who will be provided with several resources as well as mentorship sessions with industry professionals.

The benefits of the program will include:

  1. An international level mix and master of your track by NukeSound
  2. A workshop on how to market your music, building release strategies and more by The Indian Music Diaries
  3. Monetary sponsorship to professionally record your song in a studio setup, by Ok Listen, INR 7,500 for each musician
  4. Free global music distribution on streaming platforms for 2 releases, by Ok Listen
  5. Music production mentorship by NukeSound
  6. Access to a wide network of music industry professionals
    And more

Click here to apply: APPLY NOW

Applications will be closed on 25th July 11:59 PM. The application form will open again for submissions next month.

Read more about the program and what musicians are saying about it, below.

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