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A Loss To Indian Metal Music: Mradul Singhal, 1995-2020

The Indian metal fraternity has lost an upcoming musician. Brains behind the music in bands such as Dead Exaltation, Adamantium India, Killkount and Schwa, Mradul Singhal lost his life due to a road accident on 13th March. Mradul’s playing is distinguished by his unique playing style which can be seen in the music his bands have put out. The 24-year-old passed away on the eve of the release of his band’s debut full-length record, ‘Konflict and Terror’ by KillKount. Mradul has also been featured on national and international webzines and collaborations like ‘Top 10 Guitarists & their Gear from India’ – Polka Cafe and ‘The Great Indian Metal Guitar Jam’.

Here below are a few remembrances by musicians that had a chance to know and work with him.

Koco: (Agnee)

I was deeply pained to hear about Mradul’s passing although I’ve never met him but it’s definitely no age to go especially for someone who was so loved and respected for his talent and sweet nature….my deepest condolences to his family, friends and band members.

Ravi Iyer: (Vaayu)

I am deeply saddened to be informed about his demise and that too such a tragic uncalled for situation. May Mradul Singhal’s soul rest in peace and spread music and harmony from wherever he is. Too early to go is an understatement indeed. May God give strength to his family and his co musicians and well wishes strength to bear this loss. My humble request to all riders to be very careful and alert while riding always. It just takes a second. God bless!

Sahil Makhija: (Demonstealer)

Extremely gutted to hear the news about Mradul. I didn’t ever get the chance to hang out with him and know him personally but the few times that I did meet and speak to him he seemed like a really nice guy and very down to earth. Over the last year, I did get a chance to watch him perform a few times in Mumbai with his bands Killcount and Dead Exaltation and he was an extremely talented young musician and he really came alive on the stage. You could tell he loved being on stage and performing. This is a big blow and a huge loss to the Indian metal scene.

Subir Malik: (Parikrama)

Deeply saddened to hear of the untimely passing away of Mradul, though I didn’t really know him all that well personally, but it’s sad to see a member of our fraternity pass away, and that too at such an early stage. Strength and power to the family, friends and all the band members. I know how it feels to lose a bandmate.

Uday Iyer: (Vocalist and Bandmate – Schwa, Agni)

In 2014, while judging a band contest at Wadia College, the 2nd band that walked in on the stage, young boys, metalheads, called themselves Dead Exaltation. Though they didn’t win the contest, my bond with them began then and there. Especially with the charismatic, wirey looking monster on one of the six strings, Mradul Singhal.
He was all of 19 or 20 then, full of vigor and zeal to learn, experiment and exchange musical, theatrical and amateur film making ideas. And I had been looking out for like-minded musicians to form an outfit as well.  And from nowhere, this kid comes into my life like godsent! Our bond began, initially just jamming up riffs, brainstorming lyrical ideas, and arranging rough thoughts into credible stencils of sorts. His flow of thoughts, especially segregation of them, used to always present song ideas in a story form, simply amazed me. And boy, what a brilliant storyteller he was! The kid managed to impress my socks off! We clicked immediately! Thus, scHwa was born. A crisp line up, with a great combination of old and new school ideologies. 
Now scHwa will take his legacy forward, with numerous strands of his musical genius yet to be unleashed, to be released, to be shared with countless ears and hearts and souls, yearning to fall in love with him through his music. 
Mradul Singhal, I loved you like a son, and you will always be my favorite one. I love you kid. Long Live Rocknroll and Mradul.

Manoj Pandya: (Lambada)

Really saddened to hear the loss of our young friend Mradul . My thoughts and prayers for his family in these times. A deep loss to the music circle, loss to the next generation guitar players in India. We use to regularly be in touch through our Guitar playing language on social media. May his soul rest in peace and keep creating music, as that’s what he loved.

Aditya Oak: (Drummer and Bandmate, Killcount, Dead Exaltation, Schwa)

My soul brother who took away my soul, my feel while playing music, I look up to you and I try to remember how badly we shared and craved for the same purpose, same stages and always staying together. Dead Exaltation was my first ever project with you and since then it’s just amazing memories. Ride the lightning and take care of my soul man. OMNIA MORS AEQUAT!! 2014 -2020 ❤️

Yash Singh: (Composer / Producer- Pune)

We started our musical career together in Pune through our first composition ‘Alvida’ that got featured in MTV Indies which resulted in our families supporting Mradul and me to get into full-time music. What we are today is because of his creative efforts and a vision of taking Indie Music to another level. He was family and this was totally uncalled for. He is gone too soon.

Lakshya Bhatnagar: (Singer / Songwriter – Pune)

I am one of the few unlucky ones that did not get to work with Mradul. We were supposed to meet for a song listening session of my upcoming EP when this shocker of a news came in. The scene has certainly lost a gem and while we mourn his loss, we should celebrate his life that he dedicated to taking Indian independent music forward.

Mradul Singhal, 1995 to 2020

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